Why and How

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Why be certified?

In the current context, academic and university degrees alone can demonstrate knowledge and competence,especially in technology.
Indeed, businesses and governments use every day more and more complex technologiesthat require IT professionals and other professionals with new skills.
This is why the manufacturers and publishers in the IT world (Microsoft, Cisco, etc.) have developed their own training courses sanctioned by a special type of degree: the International Certification.
In the case of computer security for instance, the use of a computer security specialist or Hacker (Pirate IT) to protect its site technical fault proves to be a necessary first step towards maximum protection of computer data. For this, companies are looking for profiles whose main training "computer security".
But how recruiters choose the right candidate among multiple profiles? And especially how to know that this is not an ordinary bandit or a cyber criminal? Ç'est where certifications come in.
The certifications and demonstrate that a professional is able to be hired to deploy, install, administer, troubleshoot, and secure systems, products and solutions, regardless of the country where it is located.

at. High value and difference to the certified seeking employment:

Certifications are for years an industry standard recognized worldwide.
They are used to validate the expertise of a candidate and are a real proof of competence on product and technology.By mentioning on your resume one or more certifications, your expertise is recognized by the same manufacturer, in the local market but also internationally.
Thus, in the case of recruitment,a person with a certification in high demand by companies, will be favored over other applicants.

b. Quality for the company that employs at least one (1) Certified:

Computer certifications have many advantages for an IT as a business.
For the most part, in a procedure totender, the client requires that the claimant in his team at least one (1) certified.Their presence in the intervener's team and for the client, a certainty of quality and service reliability and a guarantee of competence in IT consultancy to the customer.
Having certified company staff, to create a true label for the company. Thus, the certifications are now one of the best ways to enhance the credibility and expertise ...

c. Testimonials:

In an environment where technologies are increasingly complex, businesses have the certainty of knowledge and skills of an employee, if certified.
But in addition to the recognition of their expertise, certified also have privileged access to technical information, subscriptions, discounts on products, VIP invitations, etc.

On the Microsoft website, you can read these stories about certifications:

"They helped me, starting from a simple general education diploma, evolve from a worker to work a desk job with unlimited opportunities and a six-figure salary since I 35 (I begin my tenth year). My only limit is the number of hours in a day. "

"The certification allows you to completely switch careers, but also to change their lives.In 1999, I was doing mostly menial jobs. I started by deciding that I was going to study for the MCSE certification. I got it, got into the computer industry and I have never regretted that choice. "

How to be Certified?

After completing the training, auditors should generally be prepared toInternational Certification Exam.
This preparation is often necessary because the examination is not usually tests the knowledge of the course, but the experience of the candidate.
International examination can not be conducted in an approved center for this purpose. These centers'Prometric'orPearson Vue'for most. Each candidate passes the examination when he feels ready, and the examination is programmed individually.
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At the end of the international review in the past approved center (not in the training center), each student automatically receives the result of the examination.
The certification, identificationnumber, membership card,or other evidence that the student is now certified, are sent rained later by the manufacturer or the certification body (Microsoft, Cisco, etc.) usually by mail postal or email. Certified also receives one or more permissions, like to use specific logos.
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